End Of Season Party
A fantastic night, with loads of awards!
A huge thank you to everyone that came to the Essex Cricket Ground on Saturday night.
We hope you had a great time and the hangovers weren't too bad on Sunday.
For those that weren't able to make it, we had a few more awards this year.
Aside from the usual three, we also added in some extra ones to be voted on by the team.
The results were as follows:
- Players player of the season - Luca Tessadri
- Supporters player of the season - TJ Fillery
- Coaches player of the season - Dan Hitchings
...and now for the fun ones...
- Biggest danger to the fans - Dan Fay
- Worst dressed - George Gell (but as he couldn't make it, it was awarded to second place Megas Kanys)
- Best dressed - Anthony Leonne
- D@!%head of the year - Callum Burnet (for dislocating his shoulder after his celebrations!)
- Smelliest kit - Dan Hitchings
- Least likely to shower - Jaden Boolkah
- Most likely on the physio bed - James Pentecost
- Best fight - Keiran Raynor (His uppercut is sublime!)
- Best goal - Grant Bartlett (He scored so many)
- Most improved - Sasha Maltsev
- MVP - Luca Tessadri
- Sportsman of the year - TJ Fillery
A huge well done and congratulations to all of our award winners.
More photos will follow of the nights shennanigans so check back soon.