Coaches thoughts
Coach Cliff give his first thoughts on the Challenge games this season
Hi Chieftains fans, it was great to meet some of you for the first time at the weekend, thanks for one of or both games, your support was fantastic and I know the new players, like myself were surprised how loud the building was on Sunday for a pre-season game.
As you will have seen at the weekend we are still very much a work in progress, I have a list as long as my arm of things we need to cover in practice / get better at, but that is probably the same for all coaches at the moment, and we will get where we need to be.
I was very impressed by the commitment and work rate of the guys, being short benched for a couple of different reasons meant guys had to pick up a lot of extra minutes, all whilst searching for match fitness as is the way at the start of every season, this will bode well for the future as guys have had a baptism of fire playing against a very fit and fast Slough team for 120 minutes.
A common theme both nights was that we faded in the third period, which led to penalty trouble and lots of time camped in our defensive zone, this will get better with time, extra bodies, extra fitness and extra practice time to learn how to deal with situations will see to this.
I was very impressed with the two young players playing up from the Warriors / U18’s, both Matthew and Eden acquitted themselves very well across the weekend, getting a lot of ice time at a far higher level than they had played at before, I’m sure they both benefitted greatly from the experience and it will hold them in good stead for the season ahead.
Once again thanks a lot for the support, I look forward to seeing you guys on Sunday as we take on the Oxford City Stars.